“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”
Virginia Woolf
Summer Writing Competition
*insert trumpet fanfare*
Hello everybody! Since one of my most popular posts in IPC history was the Christmas Competition last winter, I’ve returned with anther writing competition of sorts. And this season is unlike anything I’ve ever attempted, because it is open to all genres!
So, you think you can win?
This competition is closed
POV: You Realize You’re an Introvert, Not an Extrovert
Yeah… thirteen has been a wild age for sure. This was one of my many mini ‘revelations’.
Character Development Take Two!
After arguing a bit with my characters—okay, a lot—I decided that I needed to get to know them better. And what better way to do that than to fill out my old character sheets?! Well, um… I wasn’t a big fan of my old sheet, so I went back to the drawing board and found something that will work much better.
SMV Chapter 4: The Larkspurs
Flynne decides to pop by the Larkspurs’ house on her way back from Moonflower Valley, and the siblings interact with her and each other in hilarious conversation.
Writer’s Report
I’ve been a busy little author this week. I’ve plotted out chapters and scenes, fleshed out characters and my world, and pondered how to make my characters suffer, develop, shine, and dazzle readers and myself when they perform on the page.
~Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief~ Book Review
‘Half boy, half god, all hero.‘
My sister has been nagging me to read this series, and I finally got around to it. And it. Was. Amazing.
Success, Support, & Sushi
My little sisters are great. I can always count on them to be supportive—and… and brutally honest. Painfully so, sometimes.
Life Update: Stuck in a Rut
Sometimes, I sit down to write, and everything just flows. Other times, just thinking about writing makes me want to curl up on my bed and go to sleep. And recently, that’s how I’ve been feeling.
Wings of Fire Review (edited)
When book one has lasted twelve whole years… yeah, that’s all I got. But, uh, anyway, I’ve read every single book in the series, every one of Tui T. Sutherland’s spin offs, and here I am, giving it a review. (And maybe one or two spoilers… but they’re hidden, so if you spoil anything, that’s your fault!)