“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”
Virginia Woolf
Writer’s Update 03/11/25: I Did It!!!!!!
Writer’s Update 2/25/25
I’m really doing it. My novel, four years in the making, is rushing towards the finish line—but of course, victory is never quite that easy.
The Thirty Day Writing Challenge
I’m about over talking about my book without having made any real progress—aren’t you?
not an average blog post
No blurb, so I suppose that you guys will just have to read it and find out!
It’s an Emergency! Wait—Never Mind. I’m Just Chaotic.
Yes, I am up at 11 on Monday night. This isn’t exactly the way I pictured my weekly posting would look like—but hey, at least I’m on time.
Keeper of The Lost Cities: Book 9.5
It’s here you guys! Book 9.5 is actually here! (Excuse me for a moment while I die from happiness.)
Okay I’m back now.
WARNING! THIS POST CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS FROM BOOK 9!! (Honestly not sure if they’re even spoilers… other than the fact that Keefe—yeah, no, these are spoilers for sure.) PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!
Welcome Back, Larkspur
2024 is over—unlike my novel 🥲—and it’s time to turn over a new leaf. For me, that means reinstalling routine in my blogging and writing life.
Writing Dialogue
One book-related thing that makes my skin crawl is writing with no new paragraphs. Especially dialogue with no new paragraphs. *gulps uncomfortably* I just—no. I can’t. So I’ve put together the rules I’ve found work best for me when writing, and thought I’d share it with you all!
Rebooting & Writing Activities
Long time no see, huh? I think it's about time we did some catching up.
SMV—Updated Chapters
What if I told you that my book has gotten even better?
What if I told you I've got a surprise for you?
And what if... you click the post already? (¬_¬) Seriously, the suspense is killing me!
Life Update: North Carolina
It's been quite some time since I've done a post like this, and it's about time we sat down and had a good heart-to-heart conversation.
... Tea?