Writer’s Update 03/11/25: I Did It!!!!!!

Hi guys!!! *squeals of excitement fill the page* At 4:17 p.m., March 11 2025, I wrote that final sentence, and those beautiful three words I’ve fantasised over for the past four years:

To be continued…

This is the last day of my writing challenge, and I finished exactly on time. At exactly 62,169 words, this is the longest thing I’ve ever written, period. It’s also taken me the longest amount of time to write—no surprise there, though. I’d just like to pat myself on the back because, despite the internet, my ADHD, school *cough cough*, and those handful of zero days, I met my goal. And I feel so good about myself right now. I just… *pauses to let myself cry some happy tears* My baby is real! She’s written! She’s out of my brain! My imagination!

And ohhhhh my goodness. To say that, to write that, to think that, it makes me happier than I could even begin to describe.

But I’m a little extra (and a writer), so I’m going to try anyway! There’s this tight feeling in my chest from holding in tears, and every part of me wants to jump in the air, run into town, and yell “I FINISHED MY BOOK!!!!” My heart is beating rapidly, but it makes no sound, as though afraid any sudden motion might scare away my completed draft. My brain isn’t even working right now, intoxicated by this incredible rush of dopamine and feeling of success and content, and….

Hi. *smiles* How are you guys doing? I just finished draft four! (Did I tell you this already??) Here’s my plan of action in chronological order:

  1. TAKE A BREAK!! (If I can make myself)

  2. Get a massage (Because my shoulders have gotten soooooo tense over these past thirty days)

  3. Read a lot of books (My posts will probably look like book reviews for a little while)

  4. Finish writing all twelve character profiles (…no [jkjk])

  5. Watch a bunch of editing videos on YouTube (#SelfTaughtAuthor)

  6. Copy paste draft four onto a Google Doc, pick a simple font I’ve never used before, and start editing

  7. Don’t give up

What do you think? Should I set another goal after my rest period? Another time limit? I think so. I mean, it WORKED for the last one…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I’m not usually an exclamation mark kinda gal, but I MEAN COME ON. FINISHED. DRAFT.)

Scene of the week: Flynne’s POV

(It isn’t exactly my FAVORITE, but everything else spoils too much. Sorry.)

“So you’re not really getting married?” Rainpelt clarifies. We’re all huddled together in our tent around the small, smokeless fire Sunray started up. The two generals are planning and preparing their troops outside, giving us the perfect opportunity to get up to speed on the happenings over the past six days. And it’s apparently been a lot.

“No, thank goddess,” Willow mutters.

“But Enlil thinks you are,” Sunray points out.

“Well… yeah.”

“How did that happen?” Clementine asks.

Willow and Shadowpaw exchange a furtive glance. “Somebody was really unpopular in Windstorm Isles,” Shadowpaw deadpans. “Spoiler alert! It wasn’t me.”

“I said I was sorry!”

“Wait, so there won’t be a wedding?” Moonshine exclaims.

Shadowpaw shakes his head. “Sorry, kid.”

“I wanted to be a flower girl,” she pouts. “And what about Auntie? She’ll be mad that you lied to her.”

“She’ll get over it,” Shadowpaw promises. “And hey, maybe Hurricane can marry Willow instead! Everybody wins!”

The two don’t seem particularly excited about the proposal. (Literally.)

“I’m not going to be auctioned off like a sack of rice,” Willow snaps.

“You’re right, sorry,” Shadowpaw apologizes. “A sack of rice would have way more buyers. Ow!” Willow punches him on the arm and he scoots further away from her.

“When are you guys going to break it to your aunt? And would’ve been aunt-in-law,” I add.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Willow laughs, nervous.

“You know, it’s almost too bad,” Sunray muses. “You two would’ve made a great couple.”

The glare Shadowpaw and Willow shoot her could pierce West Wood armor.

“You know I hate to say this,” Rainpelt laughs, “but I agree with Sunray.” He turns to his twin sister. “Let’s never do this again,” he whispers.


♡~°Leah Larkspur°~♡

After almost an entire year of maintaining a blog, the word “responsibility” has a new meaning. Fourteen-year-old Leah Larkspur spends her time writing, playing with her dog and two cats, thinking about writing, annoying her sisters, forgetting crucial pieces of plot, and correcting her friends’ grammar.


Writer’s Update 3/04/25