“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”
Virginia Woolf
It’s an Emergency! Wait—Never Mind. I’m Just Chaotic.
Yes, I am up at 11 on Monday night. This isn’t exactly the way I pictured my weekly posting would look like—but hey, at least I’m on time.
Welcome Back, Larkspur
2024 is over—unlike my novel 🥲—and it’s time to turn over a new leaf. For me, that means reinstalling routine in my blogging and writing life.
Life Update: North Carolina
It's been quite some time since I've done a post like this, and it's about time we sat down and had a good heart-to-heart conversation.
... Tea?
POV: You Realize You’re an Introvert, Not an Extrovert
Yeah… thirteen has been a wild age for sure. This was one of my many mini ‘revelations’.
Success, Support, & Sushi
My little sisters are great. I can always count on them to be supportive—and… and brutally honest. Painfully so, sometimes.
Life Update: Stuck in a Rut
Sometimes, I sit down to write, and everything just flows. Other times, just thinking about writing makes me want to curl up on my bed and go to sleep. And recently, that’s how I’ve been feeling.